
Norski Soccer Club

Revised:  August 14, 2017


Article I.  Name

The Name of this organization shall be the Norski Soccer Club and shall hereafter be referred to as NSC. 

The NSC may be contacted through the President or Vice President who shall be registered with the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Organization.

Article II.  Purpose

The NSC is organized exclusively for the charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenues Code.

The NSC shall teach good sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork skills; shall educate participants and adults in the fundamentals of the game of soccer; shall promote the game of soccer through sponsorship of regularly scheduled recreational/competitive and special soccer events; and shall conduct such other educational activities as are deemed appropriate for the promotion of youth soccer activities.

Article III.  Affiliation

The NSC is an affiliate of the Madison Area Youth Soccer Association (MAYSA), Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association, the Wisconsin Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the United States Soccer Association.

Article IV.  Membership

The NSC membership shall be made up of NSC board members, coaches, parents and other local interested people who are active in the NSC and DeForest High School soccer programs.

Article V.  Authority

The NSC shall be governed by this constitution and by its duly approved bylaws, rules and regulations; all of which are subject to the rules and regulations of the Madison Area Youth Soccer Association, Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association and Wisconsin Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the United States Soccer Association.

Article VI.  Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will be elected annually at a meeting of the NSC membership.  Terms of office will be one year.  Officers may be re-elected for additional terms of service.  Officers and Board members may resign their position at will, by giving as much advance notice as possible.  The Board is authorized to fill vacancies on a temporary basis until the club’s next annual meeting.  Board of Directors meetings shall be called as needed by the President.  Board meetings will provide an open session forum at the beginning of each meeting where any member of the NSC can be present to address the board.  Advance notice to any member of the board of intent to address the board at an upcoming board meeting will be required in order to allow for effective board meetings.

Article VII.  Executive Committee

The executive committee will consist of the club President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.  When it is not possible for the entire board to meet to act on club business, the Executive Committee can act on such matters that are brought before it, with the exception of changing the NSC Constitution or By–Laws.  A quorum of three members is required and a minimum of three members must vote in favor of any action taken.  The entire Board of Directors will be informed of all discussions and actions of the Executive Committee in a timely fashion.

Article VIII.  NSC Meetings

There will be at least one meeting per year.  Date for the annual meeting will be determined by the board and communicated to the members of the NSC well in advance of the meeting.

Article IX.  Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the membership of the NSC in attendance at the annual meeting.

Bylaws, Rules and Regulations

Article I.  Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Equipment and  Apparel Manager, Windsor Sports Commons – Linde Field Manager, Volunteer Manager,  and Fundraising Manager.  A description of the duties of each board member is included as Appendix A.  Each board member shall have one vote.    A board member may hold more than one office (but will still have just one vote).  A nominating committee will be appointed to present a slate of candidates for positions on the Board prior to the annual meeting.  Nominations shall also be taken from the floor.

Article II.  Quorum

A majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum to conduct Club business.  Voting on club matters can take place electronically (e.g. e-mail) outside of board meetings providing the Secretary maintains a record of any motions, seconds, discussion and the results of such voting and attaches documentation to the minutes of the next board meeting.

Article III.  Registration Fees

Each registered player will be assessed an annual registration fee, to be paid in full at the time of registration.  The amount of the registration fee shall be determined by the Board based on estimated costs for the appropriate MAYSA league, referee fees, Club administrative and field development/maintenance costs.  There will be an additional charge for uniforms and/or coaches.  Extra costs for Competitive Level teams will include, but are not limited to, the following: tournament costs, alternate uniform costs, and pay for coaches.

Dependents of club officers, board members, and coaches can potentially have their player registration and coach’s fee waived by club.  (This excludes uniform costs and tournament fees.) 

In cases of hardship, a payment plan or scholarship (grant) can be granted.  Requests for either must be submitted in writing to the NSC Executive committee, which will act on the matter in strict confidence.  It is expected that some hours of service to the soccer community will be given by all those given a scholarship.  The Treasurer , who will also administer the repayment of service hours, will keep a signed agreement for service hours.

Article IV.  Financial Records

NSC financial records are to be reviewed two times each year by the president.  Club funds can be divided and kept in separate accounts as appropriate (e.g.  operational, field development/maintenance, and player development).

Competitive Teams --Financial records for competitive teams shall be maintained individually by each team.  There is no prohibition of individual teams doing additional fundraising to offset extra tournament and uniform costs.     Financial records for all teams are subject to review by the NSC Board at any time.

The Club has no liability for misuse of team funds; however, such action should be brought to the attention of the Board.

Article V.  Discipline (Fines)

Any fines against the NSC shall be the responsibility of NSC.  Fines for violation of sanctions shall be the responsibility of the party committing the infraction.

Article VI.  Amendments

Any member of NSC may propose an amendment to the By-laws of the NSC.  Proposed amendments must be made in writing to the President at least 4 weeks prior to a NSC Board meeting.

Article VII.  Unspecified Matters

The Boards of Directors of NSC is fully empowered to decide matters not specifically provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the NSC.

Article VIII.  Team Rosters

Recreational level through  U-14 Teams—Maximum team roster will be set at the maximum allowed by MAYSA.  The Board  will assign players to teams with possible consideration given to player, parent or coach preferences.  It is the goal for the Club to have as many players assigned to a team as possible.

Competitive Teams—All tryouts will meet the requirements set forth by MAYSA.  Tryout dates and locations will be announced by the NSC.  There will be a Competitive Team Information Statement on file with MAYSA and posted on the Club website for each competitive level team.  This statement will include information on the tryout and team formation.

Article IX  Use of NSC Funds

No part of any revenue or funds of the NSC shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or to other private persons except that the NSC shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.

Article X.  Legislative or Political Activities:

No substantial part of the activities of the NSC shall be the carrying of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the NSC shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Article XI.  Operational limitations:

Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the NSC shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an Association exempt from Federal Income tax under section501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an Association, contributions to which are deductible under section170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Article XII.  Dissolution Clause:

Upon the dissolution of the NSC, the NSC shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the NSC, dispose of all the assets of the NSC exclusively for the purposes of the NSC in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section501©(3) if the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine.  Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the NSC is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


We declare this version of the Constitution and Bylaws approved by the NSC Board.

President                                                                               Date


Vice-President                                                                       Date


Appendix A

NSC Board Member Duties

Following is a brief description of the duties of each officer of the Norski Soccer Club (NSC) Board.  A Board member may hold more than one position simultaneously, and the duties of each officer may be amended as necessary by the NSC.

PRESIDENT- In general, the President shall oversee and direct the business of the club while insuring that the Club’s bylaws are upheld.  He/She shall lead the Board of Directors in the continued development and betterment of the Club as a whole.  The President shall have the power to appoint the chairperson for all club committees.  He/She shall conduct all NSC board meetings, the Club’s annual meeting and other such meetings as he/she sees fit.  The President will serve to enhance the Club’s presence in the community by performing as the liaison with the DeForest School District as well as the community at large.  As necessary, he/she shall serve as the back-up and perform duties for any other Board member.

VICE-PRESIDENT- The Vice-President shall act on the President’s behalf in the President’s absence or inability to act.  He/She shall serve as the Club liaison with the Windsor Parks Commission and the DeForest Parks and Rec Department.  The Vice-President shall manage and oversee the Club’s annual operating plan as guided by the Board’s direction.  Coordination of Club and capital projects development (e.g. field development, etc.) shall also be the Vice-President’s responsibility.

TREASURER- Responsible for NSC financial transactions, including depositing registration fees, issuing payment for uniforms, coaches, equipment, soccer club affiliation fees, reimbursement for program expenses, registration fee refunds, scholarship or payment plans, etc.  Maintains financial records for all accounts held in the name of NSC, which must be made available for NSC Board review upon request.  The Treasurer shall provide, at a minimum, quarterly treasurer reports to the Board. 

SECRETARY- Responsible for recording, maintaining and distributing meeting minutes for all NSC meetings.  The Secretary oversees all communication among the club membership, the Board of Directors and any relevant Club committees.  The Secretary maintains and distributes as requested lists of board members, coaches, and volunteers (and others as created) which includes phone and email contact information.  The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and updating the Club website.  Ads placed in local newspapers are coordinated by the Secretary

EQUIPMENT AND APPAREL MANAGER- The Manager is responsible for purchasing uniforms, equipment and supplies for the NSC program, seeking the best quality products at competitive prices.  Distributes equipment and supplies to team coaches at the beginning of each league season and collects same at the end of each league season.   The Manager maintains an annual inventory of equipment and supplies owned by the NSC for the purpose of assessing program needs.  The Manager coordinates design, purchase and selling Club apparel, decals, and other Club gear. A summary report will be prepared annually by the Manager for the Board’s review that recaps inventory, sales and profit.

REGISTRAR- Responsible for managing the Club’s fall and spring registration process including establishing date, time and place of registration along with communication out to the community regarding such .  The Registrar, with assistance of Age Commissioners registers players and teams with MAYSA. The Registrar with the assistance of the Treasurer collects MAYSA registration fees (and other fees e.g. coaches fees), attends MAYSA meetings and serves as NSC liaison with MAYSA

WINDSOR SPORTS COMMONS – LINDE FIELDS FACILITY MANAGER -  The Manager oversees and manages Windsor Sports Commons-Linde Fields facility maintenance including the pavilion, tournament operations, and turf maintenance.  The Manager or designee decides when fields are unplayable and communicates the same to the Board and Club coaches in a timely and expeditious manner. 

VOLUNTEER MANAGER – Solicits, organizes and contacts volunteers for club activities such as tournaments, concessions, July 4th activities, field maintenance, and non-soccer events at WSC-LF.  The Manager appoints coordinators for major events as necessary.     

FUNDRAISING MANAGER – Manages fundraising efforts at the corporate level to meet Club goals.  With assistance from the Volunteer Manager, organizes other fundraising events (e.g. raffles, sales). Provides direction & information for team fundraising opportunities as needed.