Norski Soccer Club Tournament Rules

 Norski Soccer Club Tournament Rules

Norski Soccer Club
2024 Norski SC Spring Fling
General Information & Rules of Play

All questions can be emailed to:
Registration is completed via TeamSnap Events. Once your team is registered, you will "build" your roster
by adding individual players inside the TeamSnap Tournament registration. Each player will have to
submit the signed "Event Medical Release Form." Players for whom no signed form is on file will not be
able to play in tournament games. Please make sure the first and last names on the TeamSnap
Tournament roster match the official state roster exactly. We accept credit card payments. Check
payments are accepted but must be paid at least 1 week in advance of the event. All CC/DC payments are
processed through a third-party vendor (Stripe) and a processing fee will be added to the team
registration fees at checkout.

Rosters are closed when online check-in has been officially approved and players may not be added after
your team is checked in. No more than 3 guest players can be added to the roster.
A guest player is considered a player affiliated (Officially Rostered) outside of your club. A team can have
unlimited players on the roster from within their own club if they fall within the roster limits or also
known as Club Passing.

Age Brackets
In the event an age bracket has insufficient number of teams, the Tournament Committee will combine age
groups to form a bracket at the higher age group. The committee will attempt to seed the teams within this
bracket to balance the level of play. This may result in some teams playing the same team twice during the

Emergency Medical Forms
Each Coach/Manager must have medical release forms in their possession, signed by the player’s parent(s)/legal
guardian(s), to facilitate emergency medical treatment. This is completed by the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) registration
in the TeamSnap app – once the team has registered & added their roster an email will be sent to each parent(s)/legal
guardian(s) to complete the form. The MAYSA membership, WYSA Membership or WYSA Tournament Event release is
acceptable for this purpose and found on our website tournament page.

Age Group Max Roster Size Allowed to dress
per game
9U/10U 16 14
11U/12U 18 16
13U+ 22 18

FIFA Rules
All games will be played by tournament modified FIFA rules. U9 and up will have offside called.
All referees will be assigned accordingly for each age group depending on availability. NSC (Norski Soccer
Club) strives to have full crews on every game. In the event a full officiating crew is not available the center
referee may request 1-2 volunteers from the respective teams to assist with calling ONLY throw-ins, goal kicks
and corners. Volunteers are NOT allowed to call fouls or offside.

Age Group Center

9U/10U 1 0
11U/12U 1 2
13U+ 1 2

NO HEADING in U11 Divisions & UNDER
A. There will be NO heading of the ball allowed.
B. Exception to this rule  if an under aged U11 team is playing in a U12 Division or
combined age group of U11/U12.
C. Deliberate Header in the Field of Play - If a player deliberately heads the ball in a U11 and under
game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
D. Deliberate Header in Penalty/Goal Box area Defensive Team Infraction - If the deliberate header
occurs within the goal box/penalty area by the defensive team, the indirect free kick will be taken
halfway between the sideline and the penalty box line that are parallel to each other. No indirect
kicks will be awarded outside the top of the penalty box.
E. Offensive Team Infraction - If the deliberate header occurs within the goal box/penalty area by
the offensive team, the indirect free kick should be taken from the spot of the infraction and build
out rules apply.

U10 & Under Rules
A. Build Out Line -- When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play (from the opponent) or from a
goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play. Once
the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play
(punting is not allowed) After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross
the build out line and play resumes as normal.
a. The goal kick may be played directly past the build out line. The goalkeeper is not required to
take the goal kick. On a goal kick, the ball is not considered in play until it leaves the penalty
box area.
b. The GK need not wait for attackers to retreat behind the build out line upon claiming
possession of the ball and distributing the ball.
c. U8 and younger teams do not play with Goalkeepers. All goal kicks will be taken by a field
player with opposing team behind the build out line.

B. No Punting -- the goalkeeper may not punt the ball at the U9 and U10 age group. If a goalkeeper punts
the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If
the punt occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal line parallel to
the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.
a. Drop kicks and volleys are not allowed as it would represent circumvention of the rule.
b. The ball is “live” as soon as it leaves the goalkeepers feet or hands.

Reporting for Games
Teams must report to the game Field Marshal 30 minutes prior to the game for equipment check. Please
have an approved roster available to give to the field marshal. After the game is completed, the marshal
may return the roster.

Field Marshals
They will be identified by a field marshal vest and are responsible for checking players and equipment
prior to a game, holding official team rosters until the game is completed, reporting game scores and
completing score sheets. All field marshals will be equipped to communicate with tournament
headquarters should any problems arise during a game.

Player Equipment
All players will wear adequate shin guards covered by stockings. If cleats are worn, they must be soccer cleats.
**NEW rule on hard casts, splints or braces – it is the discretion of the referee assignor if they will be
allowed. Emailing the referee assignor in advance of the event with a picture of the cast is strongly
encouraged. Please see the referee assignor at Tournament registration area for final approval on being
allowed to play. Players shall not wear any jewelry. ALL player equipment is subject to referee approval.
Start and Duration of Games
All games will start with the Home team choosing a side and the Away team will kick off.
 9U/10U games = 2 – 25-minute halves
 11U/12U games = 2 – 30-minute halves
 13U/14U/15U games = 2 – 35-minute halves
 16U+ games = 2 – 40-minute halves

The Tournament Directors have the authority to:
 Relocate/reschedule any games
 Reduce by, up to one half, the duration of any game
 Delay the tournament if bad weather is threatening
 Cancel the tournament if inclement weather persists or makes field conditions dangerous and
thus unplayable.

Home Team
The home team is responsible for supplying an acceptable game ball and changing jerseys in the
event of a color conflict. The home team may use pinnies if they do not have different colored

Game Protests
None allowed! Referee decisions ARE FINAL. No protests concerning tournament rules are permissible
once you have started Play. All decisions of the tournament directors are final. There is no higher

Substitutions may be made prior to a throw-in in favor of your team, prior to a goal kick by either team,
after a goal by either team, at half time, or following an injury to a player from either team. Substitutions
may also be made for your team on the opposing team's throw-in if the opposing team also has a player
at the halfway line. Only players assigned to the roster for the game in hand may be used as
substitutions. This only applies to teams that bring more players on their roster than those that are
allowed to dress/play that game.

Red Card Rule
This is a WYSA sanctioned tournament and the WYSA Red Card Rule will be in effect, i.e., if a player is "red
carded", he/she will be expelled from that game and that player's team will play short-handed for the
rest of that game. The player must sit out the next scheduled tournament game, and depending upon the
severity of the offense, the offending player may be disqualified from any further tournament play.
Determination of any tournament disqualifications will be made by the Tournament Directors. The use of
a "red carded" player in the game following the expulsion will result in a forfeit by the offending team
and, additionally, the head coach will NOT be permitted to coach during the next game. Any player
receiving two (2) yellow cards in the same game will have the "red card" rule invoked.

Field Rules
Coaches are to stay at least 10 yards from the centerline on their half of the field. Only players and
referees are permitted on the playing field including 1 yard outside the field line. Coaches will be
responsible for the behavior of the players, team assistants and team supporters. ANY member of this list
displaying inappropriate behavior may be expelled from the game or tournament all together.

Point System/Tie Breaking
World Cup scoring format: Games in preliminary rounds will be scored:
 Win = 3 points
 Tie = 1 point
 Loss = 0 points
Forfeits will be scored as a 1-0 game and scored as 3 points, 0–0 ties will be scored as 1 point. Each
preliminary game total goal differential will only count to up to a goal differential of +/- 8 goals per game.
To decide bracket group winners in the event of a tie, the following criteria will be used:
 Head-to-Head Competition
 Goals Against Total
 Goals For Total
 Goal Differential Total
 Most Shutouts Total
 Kicks from the Mark (as defined for semi-final and Championship games)

All teams are responsible to play the entire tournament. If a team does not have enough players to start
a game, a five- minute grace period will be granted before a forfeit is declared. A team forfeiting will not
be allowed to win their group and/or advance to a semi-final or final. A team needs the following
number of players at the start of a game:
 U9 & U10  4 players
 U11 & U12  6 players
 U13 & U14  8 players
Any team not playing within the tournament rules of roster and age requirements will forfeit each game
played illegally and not be allowed to advance to semi-finals or championship games under any
 If any team is caught in violation after the match has been completed & they had won the
previous match(es), the losing team(s) will be rewarded a 1-0 win & the violating team a 0-1
 If any team is caught in violation after a match has been completed and they had lost the
previous match(es), the winning team(s) score will stand as is.

Semi-Final & Finals Seeding
Seeding will be point based.
4 & 5 Team Flights
Teams play all other teams in their group during group play. There is no playoff round. Champions
are determined by points.
6 Team Flights
Each team will play the other two teams in their pool and one crossover during group play. Pool winners
advance to a Championship game.
8 Team Flights
Four teams in each bracket play round robin format. The 1st place team in each bracket after 3 games
with the most points plays in the championship game vs the opposite bracket 1st place team.
Per Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association tournament sanctioning rules, NO U10 and younger divisions
can compete or play for championship games. This format is part of their sportsmanship and fair play
policy for these age groups.
Overtime & Kicks from the Mark
In the event of a tie, in a Semi-Final or Championship game, the game will be decided by “Kicks from the
Mark”. The tournament will follow FIFA guidelines in the event a game needs to be decided by “Kicks
from the Mark”. Each team will alternate kicks (five each) to decide the winner. If still tied after the first
round of five, teams will then alternate 1 for 1 until the winner is decided. Only the players on the field of
play at the conclusion of the match are eligible to participate in the Kicks from the Penalty Mark
Individual player awards will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place except for U9 & U10 divisions.
WSYA prohibits all sanctioned tournaments from determining a division champion on teams below 10U.
All players on U9 - U10 teams will receive participation awards.
Club / Team Discount
Clubs entering multiple teams will receive a CLUB credit post tournament of:
 5% per Team for 4-5 teams
 7.5% per Team for 6-7 teams
 10% per Team for 8+ teams

In the event the tournament cannot be held for any reason, fees shall be returned to all U9 and older
teams with a maximum of $100 per team being withheld from each team registration. The Norski
Soccer Club will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team in the event games are
discontinued or canceled due to inclement weather or adverse field conditions. In the event of
Tournament cancelation, NSC does not look to profit in any way from the event and only looks to
recover expenses to run and operate the event. Therefore, the amount withheld could be less than
what is stated above. Once a team is included in the tournament schedule, no refund will be
