Reconciliation Process
Coaches & Managers
The reconciliation window for the Fall 2021 season closes for:
MAYSA Teams = Noon Monday August 23rd, 2021
WYSA State League Teams = Midnight Tuesday August 17th, 2021
You have been invited/shared a specific team google calendar that has all of your games, tournaments or other noted events on it. Only on this calendar do you have the ability to update and make changes. Please do not change the coding in the calendar for games. An example of this is:
13UG 2US (H) WSC-6 #5201 vs Opponent
This reads: 13 Under Girls Second Team UNION Select playing on Windsor Sports Commons Field #6 vs Opponent
The only thing that should ever be changed/updated is the highlighted field code once the game has been updated. More to come below.
For the best user experience:
Use a gmail account and click on the +GoogleCalendar link/button in the lower right hand corner of the embedded calendar. Make sure you are only logged into one gmail account.
Work from the Google Calendar webpage and not Microsoft outlook where things might be imported. There’s functionality that will be lost if not working from the webpage.
Once clicked on it will bounce you over to your personal Google Calendar and show you a list of all Team Calendars for the 21/22 season. If the team(s) that you coach/manage are 11U you will want to make sure that ALL 11U and 12U teams are checked. If you coach/manage two teams in two different age groups then make sure all of those calendars are checked. The reason for this is that they all play on the same size field and you will be able to filter to see when and where field times are booked/open.
11v11 = 13U-19U teams should all be checked
9v9 = 11U & 12U teams should all be checked
7v7 = 9U & 10U Teams should be checked but only from one of the following clubs (SPSC or NSC)
Once calendars are added to your Gmail Calendar they will be located on the left hand side or your webpage under Other Calendars. To see the events of any/all the team calendars the colored square box on the left hand side must be filled in and show a check mark inside the box. If not filled in with a check mark showing you will NOT be able to see any of the events for that team.
Searching and Filtering for Field Availability
Up towards the address bar on the upper right side of the webpage click on what appears to be a magnify glass to search. Simply search by the field codes listed below in the chart. This will filter to all reserved field times on a given date for both WYSA & MAYSA games.
Contacting an opponent about rescheduling a game (Always by email so there’s documentation)
Click on the opponent in the MAYSA/WYSA schedule to see their league schedule.
Compare their schedule to your team schedule and propose a few dates and times.
In the subject area of the email: GAME #1000 Age Group Gender and include the two teams playing each other
Make sure all coaches and managers of both teams are included in the communication. Right click on the hyperlinked email followed by copy email and then paste it into your email adress bar.
In the body of the email propose an option of either a time change or both a date and time change. You can actually copy and paste the actual game and make recommendations from there for a better format.
Once both teams have agreed on the new terms of the game the HOME team must then update Demosphere in either MAYSA or WYSA. If it’s our home game, double check that the field is still available before updating the system, especially if it’s been a few days since the proposal was put out.
Here are the directions on how to update your team's Demosphere schedule on the MAYSA/WYSA websites. When logging in click on the link below the login details to have your PIN# sent to you.
IMPORTANT! Once the game has been submitted in Demosphere you must also update your google calendar to reflect the same. This is where if it’s a home game the field coding should be updated if that is changed in Demosphere.
Game Durations:
9U & 10U Games = 1 Hour and 15 min
11U & 12U Games = 1 Hour and 20 min
13U & 14U Games = 1 Hours and 30 min
15U-19U Games = 2 Hours
Color Codes of your Games
Click the edit button/pencil to change the color of your game to:
YELLOW if the opposing team has to update Demosphere. This lets everyone know that the game in principle is agreed on just waiting for it to be updated.
Any Games that are conflicts can be turned to RED until they are updated to where they work for you and your team.
GREEN if the game has been both agreed on and updated in the Demosphere system. By the end of the reconciliation process all games should be GREEN. You should also turn any of your games that work for you to GREEN and change them if need be during the reconcilation process, but by the close of reconciliation everything should be GREEN
If you or the opponent are reaching out the same process as above takes place. The only difference is that you could be waiting on the opponent to update the schedule, which means that your game/event should be turned to YELLOW until they submit the change where you would then follow up to turn it GREEN.