Norski Kinderkickers U4 & U5

Norski SC In House Kinderkickers U4 & U5

Norski SC In House Kinderkickers U4 & U5

Age Groups: U4 & U5

Birth Years: 2020-2021

Team Offerings: Boys & Girls

League: NSC In House Kinderkickers


Program Description:
Norski Kinderkickers offers new players an opportunity to be introduced to the game of soccer in a fun, engaging, and non-threatening environment.  Experienced coaches, along with the assistance of parent volunteers, will lead these newest athletes in exciting soccer-related activities and games that create a positive first experience with sports as a whole and specifically the game of soccer. 

  • Fall Session Starts: September 17th (Boys) and September 19th (Girls)
  • Spring Session Starts: April 29 (Boys) and May 1 (Girls)
  • Cost for Fall & Spring: $120.00  (5 weeks in the Fall and 5 weeks in the Spring)
  • Cost for Spring only: $60.00 (5 weeks)
  • Location: Windsor Sports Commons - Soccer Fields
  • Practice:  5-5:50pm 
    • Boys - Tuesdays, April 29 - May 27
    • Girls - Thursdays, May 1 - May 29
  • Uniforms: Jersey included in cost
  • What to bring/wear:
    • Jersey
    • Shin guards
    • Cleats/Tennis shoes
    • Size 3 ball
    • Water bottle 
    • Weather appropriate layers

Other benefits of Norski SC’s Kinderkickers program include:

  • NSC offers Recreational experiences for Girl's only teams.

  • NSC provides a defined pathway to continue playing soccer year after year.

  • NSC provides facilities, fields, and equipment specifically geared towards enhancing a player's overall soccer experience.

  • NSC provides the ability to choose different levels of programming that fit each player.


Birth Year Chart

Birth Year Chart

Birth Year Chart
Birth Year Age Group
1/1/2021 - 12/31/2021 4U
1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 5U
1/1/2019 - 12/31/2019 6U
1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 7U
1/1/2017 - 12/31/2017 8U

Contact DOC

Contact DOC


Micro & In House FAQ Recreational 4U-8U

Micro & In House FAQ Recreational 4U-8U

Q:  Can I register my player after the deadline?

A:  Registration will be open until one week into each season (There will be early and late registration deadlines). 

Q:  Are uniforms included in my player's registration?

A:  YES, a jersey is included in your fee.  If you are a late registration it may take longer to get.

Q:  Can I sign my child up with a friend or two?

A: We will try to roster friends on the same team. Please let us know if you would like to on someone's team.

Q: I like to plan ahead! Do you know when my child's practices will be?

A:  Practices are determined ahead of time by NSC staff for training and game days. We will post the times as soon as we set them.