Volunteer Info

Volunteer Info

We Need Volunteers!

Volunteerism is absolutely critical to the success & operations of NSC.  We greatly appreciate your support in volunteering for the many different opportunities available. In addition to current volunteer expectations, any additional time is welcomed and appreciated. All members assist in the success of Norski Soccer Club!

The NSC Board of Directors has changed how volunteer fees will be charged:

  • Volunteer fees will NOT be charged upfront.

  • Families are required to volunteer a minimum of 4-8 hours between June 1st - May 31st of each playing year.

    • If a family has one player in the 9U-14/15U age group and another in the High School age group; the family would by default only be obligated to the hours of the player in the 9U-14/15U age group or a minimum of 8 hours.

  • Volunteer hours are not carried over to future years

  • Partial completion of the required hours will result in the full buyout fee for the age group.

  • By choosing "NO" in the registration system for 9U and older teams Norski SC will automatically assess the Buyout Fee to next year's registration fees.

NSC Family Volunteer Expectations:

  • U15 - U19 High School Families are expected to complete a minimum of 4 hours of volunteer time per soccer season.

    • Volunteer Requirement Fee charged going into the next season if not completed = $50.00.

  • U9 - U14/15 Families are expected to complete a minimum of 8 volunteer hours per soccer year (4 hours in Fall & 4 hours in Spring).

    • Volunteer Requirement Fee charged going into the next season = $100.00 (or $50.00 for Spring Only Season).

  • U4-U8 In-House Kinderkickers & Academy Families are not required (or charged) to complete any volunteer hours, however volunteering is strongly encouraged and needed. 

    • Parent Coaches Needed: The continued success of growth and development at these age groups depends on its parent volunteers to help coach teams. Please help coach or assistant coach if you are willing and able.