Volunteer Requirements

Volunteer Info

Volunteer Info

We Need Volunteers!

Volunteerism is absolutely critical to the success & operations of NSC.  We greatly appreciate your support in volunteering for the many different opportunities available. In addition to current volunteer expectations, any additional time is welcomed and appreciated. All members assist in the success of Norski Soccer Club!

The NSC Board of Directors has changed how volunteer fees will be charged:

  • Volunteer fees will NOT be charged upfront.

  • Families are required to volunteer a minimum of 4-8 hours between June 1st - May 31st of each playing year.

    • If a family has one player in the 9U-14/15U age group and another in the High School age group; the family would by default only be obligated to the hours of the player in the 9U-14/15U age group or a minimum of 8 hours.

  • Volunteer hours are not carried over to future years

  • Partial completion of the required hours will result in the full buyout fee for the age group.

  • By choosing "NO" in the registration system for 9U and older teams Norski SC will automatically assess the Buyout Fee to next year's registration fees.

NSC Family Volunteer Expectations:

  • U15 - U19 High School Families are expected to complete a minimum of 4 hours of volunteer time per soccer season.

    • Volunteer Requirement Fee charged going into the next season if not completed = $50.00.

  • U9 - U14/15 Families are expected to complete a minimum of 8 volunteer hours per soccer year (4 hours in Fall & 4 hours in Spring).

    • Volunteer Requirement Fee charged going into the next season = $100.00 (or $50.00 for Spring Only Season).

  • U4-U8 In-House Kinderkickers & Academy Families are not required (or charged) to complete any volunteer hours, however volunteering is strongly encouraged and needed. 

    • Parent Coaches Needed: The continued success of growth and development at these age groups depends on its parent volunteers to help coach teams. Please help coach or assistant coach if you are willing and able.

Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Coaches & Managers

Parent Coaches & Managers

Parent Coaches - NSC welcomes parents to participate in assisting with coaching players. Parent coaches assist with practice sessions & game play.  U9 - U19 require certified licensing at various levels. Parents who sign up for & are listed as the Assistant Coach for a Team fulfill their Household volunteer hour requirements for the season. 

Team Managers - NSC welcomes parents to volunteer as the Team Manager to coordinate player availability, practice & game-day reminders, coordinate tournaments & outreach to opponents as needed. Each U9 - U19 Team requires one Team Manager each year (for the Fall & Spring Season). Parents who sign up for & are listed as the Team Manager for a Team fulfill their Household volunteer hour requirements for the season. 


"Paid" Volunteer Field Workers

"Paid" Volunteer Field Workers

NSC is looking for a few “paid” volunteer field workers each year running Spring through Fall seasons who are willing to work at the NSC soccer fields. Volunteers must pay the player registration fees. Once required hours are worked, registration & coaching fees for one child will be reimbursed.  

Job duties and responsibilities include: laying out and painting fields, moving goals, bleachers and benches as needed, aerating and watering turf, painting lines in the parking lot, landscaping and up-keep of facilities.  Training will be given.

If interested in participating, please review the following document for more information on the process.

Tournament Committee Volunteer Info

Tournament Committee Volunteer Info

Norski SC currently hosts two tournaments per year: 

  • Norski SC Spring Fling (May)
  • Norski SC Fall Bash (October)

If you are interested in helping or require further information, please contact the Norski Soccer Club Tournament Committee.

For those interested, click the document below for a brief synopsis of the current roles and responsibilities.

Event Coordinators

Event Coordinators

Norski Soccer Club is looking for Event Coordinators for the various fundraising and social events held for the club.  Opportunities include: Norski Night w/ the Forward Flamingos, UW Chairbacks (Install & Removal), Dick's Sales, Scoopie Night,  BB Jacks, FiredUp Pottery,  Papa Murphy's, BWW..... etc.

Coordinators would be in charge of working with the businesses and/or organizations and gathering details for communications to members.  Those interested should contact Norski Fundraising Coordinator

UW Chairbacks

UW Chairbacks

NSC spends 10-15 hours at Camp Randall installing seat backs and cushions for Badger season ticket holders in one section of the stadium. The seat backs remain in place until after the final home football game and then we return to the stadium to remove them.

This fundraiser raises approximately $2,000 per year.  It's a fantastic way to take care of your volunteer hours & earn a bit of money to help Norski Soccer Club for player development. The more people we have, the faster it all gets done!!

Chairback Install occurs early August & Removal occurs late Nov - early Dec.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

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